Libor Veis
Group leader, J. Heyrovský Young Scientist fellow (2017)
Ph.D. in physical chemistry (Charles University, Prague), Quantum computing for chemistry
Post-doc with Örs Legeza (Wigner Research Center, Budapest), Density matrix renormalization group (DMRG)
Research interests: tensor network methods in quantum chemistry - development and application, main developer of MOLMPS (massively parallel quantum chemical DMRG program), quantum algorithms for application in chemistry
Enzo Monino
Research interests: DFT embedding of DMRG calculations, Quantum chemistry on quantum computers
Pavlo Golub
Research interests: Machine learning, DMRG, strongly correlated problems
Pavel Beran
Ph.D. student
Ing. in computational chemistry (University of Chemistry and Technology, Prague)
Research interests: DMRG, perturbational post-DMRG methods (adiabatic connection techniques), DFT embedding, complex systems
Mikuláš Matoušek
Ph.D. student
MSc. in chemical physics (Charles University, Prague, supervised by L. Veis)
Research interests: DMRG, electronic structure of biologically relevant transition metal complexes, polaritonic chemistry
- Gergely Barcza (post-doc), now Wigner research centre for theoretical physics in Budapest (Hungary)
- Jan Brandejs (Ph.D. student), now post-doc with Trond Saue in Toulouse (France)