Libor Veis
Research Group
W3C compliance
W3C compliance
Open Positions
W3C compliance
W3C compliance
W3C compliance
W3C compliance
W3C compliance
W3C compliance
W3C compliance
Group funding:
Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic:
Efficient DMRG-Based Methods for Advancing Polaritonic Chemistry in Strongly Correlated Regimes
(2025-2028), PI: L. Veis
Grant Agency of the Czech Republic:
MUltiscale chemical SImulations on noisy Quantum computers, MUSIQ
(2025-2027), PI: L. Veis
Grant Agency of the Czech Republic:
On-surface synthesis and characterization of multiradical molecules
(2023-2025), co-PI: L. Veis (PI: P. Jelínek, Institute of Physics, ASCR)
Grant Agency of the Czech Republic:
Accurate and efficient density matrix renormalization group-based methods for extended molecules
(2023-2025), PI: L. Veis
Grant Agency of the Charles University:
Including the nuclear degrees of freedom into the quantum chemical DMRG method
(2022-2024), PI: M. Matoušek
Program START (Charles University):
New computational methods for strongly correlated molecules based on the density matrix renormalization group algorithm
PI: P. Beran
Grant Agency of the Czech Republic:
Massively parallel tensor network methods for strongly correlated quantum chemistry
(2018-2020), PI: L. Veis
Grant Agency of the Charles University:
Quantum chemistry on quantum computers
(2010-2012), PI: L. Veis
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